Import Options

The "Feed Task Options" is the last step of the feed task creation process when importing products to your Shopify store via the DropSynco app.

In this section you can create product upload filters, price rules, update option rules and schedule your feed task.

Fields Editor

Shopify product upload, Fields Editor

Fields Editor is an optional feature that allows you to manipulate the text of the Title, SKU and Barcode fields.

To perform a text replacement, place the text you want to replace in the Value box and the new text in the New Value box. Next, select the respective product field.

Example: To replace "Red" with "Blue" in the Title field, input "Red" in the Value box, "Blue" in the New Value box, and select "Title" from the product field list. All Title strings containing the text "Red" will be replaced with "Blue."

For more advanced scenarios, utilize Regular Expressions by checking the "Replace using regular expressions" checkbox. Refer to our documentation page for detailed information on Regular Expressions (RegEx).

By default, Replacers are applied across all products. If you need to apply them to a specific subset of products, employ product filters. For detailed guidance, consult the "Product Filters" section.

Product Filter

Shopify product upload, Product Filter

Product Filter is an optional feature that allows you to filter the products you want to insert or update to your Shopify Store. Any product not matching the filter rules defined will be ignored.

You can combine multiple filters and they are applied in the order of their creation.

You can create a filter for the following fields Title, Description, Vendor, Product Type, Price, Compare Price, and SKU.

Some fields are text fields while others are numeric fields. Based on the type of the field, you can define different rules; for example, you can filter all products with Title (Text Field) containing "Red" or filter products with Price (Numeric Field) greater than 10.

Price Rules

Shopify product upload, Price Rules

Price Rules are optional. That feature allows you to define the price rules to be applied to your products.

Price rules can be applied across all products or to a selection of products thanks to the product filter rules of this section. To reveal the price rules product filters, switch off the control "applied to all products".

You can create one or more price rules and they are applied in the creation order.

In each rule, it's possible to increase or decrease the price by percentage; for example increasing the price by 10%, or by a fixed amount; for example, increasing the price by 10$.

Price rules also give the option of rounding prices; for example, if the product price is $10.88 and needs to be rounded to $10.99, you have to add 99 in the rounding box.

Update Options

This section allows you to set the following properties for the feed task:


This option can be set to "Yes" or "No".

Shopify product upload, Published
  1. Yes: products are visible on your public Shopify store
  2. No: products are not visible


This option can be set to "Yes" or "No".

Shopify product upload, Taxable
  1. Yes: your country tax fee (VAT) is added by Shopify to the product prices
  2. No: your country tax fee (VAT) is not added

Require Shipping

This option can be set to "Yes" or "No".

Shopify product upload, Require Shipping
  1. Yes: products are physical items
  2. No: products are digital items

Inventory Location

This option can be set to "All" or to any of the store location.

Shopify product upload, Inventory Location
  1. All: product quantities will be updated across all inventory locations.
  2. Your store location: product quantities will be updated only to the selected location (i.e Epcot Center, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 32830, US).

Update Type

This option can be set to "Upsert", "Update" or "Insert".

Shopify product upload, Update Type
  1. Upsert: will update existing products and insert new products
  2. Update: will only update the existing products in your store and ignored the other ones.
  3. Insert: will only insert new products.

What shall we do with the product that has 0 quantity in the file?

This option can be set to "Set Quantity to Zero" or "Set Product not Published".

Shopify product upload, What shall we do with the product that has 0 quantity in the file?

This setting only modifies the products that were uploaded to the store using this file, but their quantity has changed to 0 since then.

How can DropSynco recognize the products which are already in your store?

This option can be set to "SKU", "Product Title", "Handle", or "Barcode".

How can DropSynco recognize the products which are already in your store?

If you already have products in your store uploaded from this file, and you would like to modify them now, select how DropSynco can recognize them in your store to avoid duplicates.

How can DropSynco recognize the product variants which are already in your store?

This option can be set to "Options", "SKU" or "Barcode".

How can DropSynco recognize the product variants which are already in your store?

DropSynco can recognize your product variants by Options, SKU or Barcode, select the most appropriate property to identify existing variants in your Shopify store.

Group Products and Variants by Unique Identifiers?

This option can be set to "Yes" or "No".

Group Products and Variants by Unique Identifiers?

It's common in CSV, TXT and Excel files to have one row for the product details and multiple rows for each variant, when this scenario occurs, rather than process the entire file row by row, it's suggested to group the products by the product and variant unique identifiers. Setting this option to Yes let DropSynco grouping the products by product and variant unique identifiers.

Which fields would you like to update?

Which fields would you like to update?

This option allows you to select the product properties that you want to update. Notice that only the properties mapped in the Mapping step will be shown.


This section allows you to schedule the feed task based on the time zone associated with your account. You can see or edit that time zone on the "my account" page.

In addition, once the task is created you will have the option to manually run the feed task from the feed task page or the feed task details page.

Here are the schedule options:

No Schedule

Feed Task is not scheduled and it can be executed only "On-Demand" by clicking on the "Run" buttons from the feed task page or task details page.

Scheduled for a specific date

Shopify product upload, Schedule for a specific date

It allows you to schedule the feed task on a specific date and time. Knowing that a feed task cannot be scheduled on the current date.

Daily Schedule

Shopify product upload, Daily schedule

The feed task will be executed every day at the time selected.

Weekly Schedule

Shopify product upload, Weekly schedule

The feed task will be executed only on the weekday(s) and time selected.

Monthly Schedule

Shopify product upload, Monthly Schedule

The feed task will be executed on a specific day of the month, every month.

Annually Schedule

Shopify product upload, Anually Schedule

The feed task will be executed on a specific day of the year, every year.

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