Shopify Multi-store Sync

In addition of the supplier feed options, DropSynco offers the possibility to synchronize multiple Shopify store inventories and locations.

Requirements for multi-store sync

Connected Shops

To use the multiple Shopify store inventories or locations synchronization of the DropSynco app, you need to have at least two Shopify stores connected to your DropSynco account.

You can see the list of your stores connected to DropSynco on the "My Account" page (link at the top-right corner) once logged in to the DropSynco app.

Subscription Plan

Due to the requirements above, the multi-store sync feature is not available for all DropSynco subscription plans.

Only subscription plans allowing to connect at least two stores will include this feature. You can find more information on plan details on the pricing page.

How to create a multi-store sync task

Create the task

1. Go to the Feed Tasks page to create a new feed task or edit an existing one.

2. In the first step/tab, give the name of the feed task (it can be anything of your choice) and select the destination store from the dropdown menu.

Shopify multi-store inventory sync

Toggle the email notification button if you wish to receive an email when the synchronization has completed execution and click on the button "Save and Continue".

3. In the "Upload" step/tab select "Shopify (Store Synchronisation)" from the dropdown list of upload methods.

Shopify multi-store inventory sync
Shopify multi-store inventory sync

4. You can now select the "source store" or in other words, the store from which the products come from.

Shopify multi-store inventory sync

5. Finally, select the inventory locations of both destination and source stores and click on "Next" and "Save and continue".

Import options

You are now in the final step/tab of the task creation process.

Feed Task upload options

Make sure to check only the fields you want to update in the section "which fields would you like to update".

Feed Task upload options


To do so, you can use the product filter at the top of the page and select "no schedule" in the schedule section. Then you can manually trigger the synchronization by using the "Run" button on the task details page.

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